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Vaginal Seeding Following Caesarean Section: What You Need to Know


Updated: Feb 21

For many mums-to-be, planning for a calm and positive birth experience includes understanding all available options. While vaginal birth provides numerous benefits for both mother and baby, sometimes a Caesarean section becomes the safest choice. In these situations, some parents are exploring a practice called vaginal seeding, aimed at introducing specific microbes to their baby’s microbiome.

Let’s dive into what vaginal seeding is, its potential benefits and risks, and the current advice surrounding this practice.

Newborn at Caesarian Section

What is Vaginal Seeding?

Vaginal seeding involves swabbing the mother’s vaginal fluids and applying them to the baby’s mouth, skin, or eyes shortly after a Caesarean birth. The idea is to mimic the exposure a baby would naturally receive during a vaginal delivery, as passing through the birth canal exposes the baby to beneficial bacteria essential for developing a healthy microbiome.

The baby’s microbiome—the community of bacteria and microorganisms living in their gut—plays a crucial role in their immune system, digestion, and overall health. Babies born via Caesarean may miss out on this exposure, leading some researchers and parents to consider vaginal seeding as a way to bridge the gap.

The Pros of Vaginal Seeding

  1. Potential Health Benefits: Early exposure to maternal vaginal bacteria may help the baby’s gut microbiome develop more like that of a baby born vaginally. This could potentially reduce the risk of conditions such as allergies, asthma, and obesity later in life.

  2. Natural Microbiome Development: Vaginal seeding may provide beneficial bacteria that support digestion, immune system function, and overall gut health.

  3. Empowerment for Parents: Some parents see vaginal seeding as a way to maintain elements of a natural birth experience, even when a Caesarean is necessary.

The Cons of Vaginal Seeding

  1. Risk of Infection:Vaginal fluids can carry harmful bacteria, including Group B Streptococcus (GBS) or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Introducing these to a baby’s system, especially when their immune system is still developing, can pose risks.

  2. Limited Evidence:While early studies suggest possible benefits, there is not yet enough large-scale, robust research to confirm that vaginal seeding consistently improves outcomes for babies.

  3. Unregulated Practice:Vaginal seeding is not widely standardized or recommended by medical guidelines. This means parents and healthcare providers may approach the procedure inconsistently, raising safety concerns.

Current Advice and Recommendations

As of now, most major health organizations, including the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), do not routinely recommend vaginal seeding due to the lack of conclusive evidence and the potential risks of infection.

Instead, healthcare providers encourage alternative ways to support a baby’s microbiome development:

  • Breastfeeding: Breast milk contains prebiotics and probiotics that naturally promote a healthy microbiome.

  • Skin-to-Skin Contact: Holding your baby close right after birth can help transfer beneficial bacteria from your skin to theirs.

  • Probiotic Supplements: Under guidance from a pediatrician, some parents consider probiotics to support gut health.

    Newborn skin to skin and breastfeeding.

What Should Parents Do?

If you’re considering vaginal seeding, it’s essential to discuss it with your healthcare provider well in advance of your delivery. They can assess your health, test for potential infections, and guide you on whether this practice might be safe for your situation.


Vaginal seeding is an intriguing concept with potential benefits for a baby’s microbiome development. However, it’s still an emerging practice with associated risks and limited evidence. For parents welcoming their baby via Caesarean, focusing on proven practices like breastfeeding, skin-to-skin contact, and a supportive postpartum environment can help set the stage for your baby’s healthy start in life.

As always, staying informed and working closely with your healthcare provider is the best way to make decisions that align with your family’s values and needs.

If you have questions about birth preparation or creating a calm and empowering birth experience, I’m here to help. Contact me to learn more about how Hypnobirthing can support you on this incredible journey.



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