About Gwendoline Patricia Gould

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Meet Gwen Gould

I am an expert in helping women To feel they are enough, that they matter and they are significant.

If you really hope to love your life, change your beliefs and habits, improve your health, and gain emotional freedom and financial security then I can definitely help you. ,

I am a specialist in Rapid transformational therapy and my accomplishments include:


  • University of Central Lancashire
  • Homerton College Cambridge
  • Graduate of Rapid Transformational Therapy
  • Certified hypnotherapist

Work History

  • Worked in Health care for over 33 years in the National Health Service and Private Nursing and Elderly Mentally Infirmed units in the United Kingdom as well as training and working in  Midwifery and hypnobirthing and taking my interest in hypnotherapy further with Rapid Transformation Therapy

Awards, Titles, and Designations

  • Retired Nurse following 13 years of practice
  • Semi-Retired Midwife of over 20 years
  • Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner having been trained by World Famous RTT Coach and founder Marisa Peers

Other Info

  • Experience gained in healthcare and mental health throughout my nursing and midwifery career over 33 years
  • Eldest of six children, Wife of 46 yrs and carer to disabled husband, and Mother of two grown-up children and two grandchildren.
  • Moving house with nursing/midwifery career from Hertfordshire to Cumbria and then to Sutherland, the Very North of Scotland
  • Leaving extended family and friends and having to start afresh.

When you want to To feel you are enough, you matter, you are significant, don't mess around with your future but invest with the best, invest with me and invest in Rapid transformational therapy.

I can definitely help you to love your life, to change your beliefs and habits , and improve your physical and mental health, emotional freedom, financial security!

My Mission

My mission has always been to help people.  This started as a general nurse and then as a community midwife.  I have always loved looking after women antenatally through their pregnancy and then postnatally with their babies.  It has always been a privilege to be part of women’s and their family's lives but I found that sometimes this new experience can be full of self-doubt and lack of confidence

In themselves, sometimes from poor parenting experienced during their childhood and sometimes from negative comments from parents, teachers, and peers.

Partners and husbands also go through self-doubt and low self-esteem for the same reasons I have already mentioned.  With the new responsibilities and sometimes reduced household income the partner/husband can experience anxiety, depression, panic, and sometimes post-traumatic stress disorder.

My aim in becoming a Rapid Transformation Therapy Practitioner is to help women of all ages and men who feel they are not enough, not connected, feel different, and feel that the life they want for themselves and their families is not available to them.

Using Rapid Transformational Therapy, I work with the individual to investigate the problem they present with, interpret their beliefs, symptoms, habits, and triggers, and interrupt these old beliefs and habits to erase, irradicate and remove the problem/s to allow them to live the life they deserve.

My Values

My aim is to work with you to reduce emotional distress and increase positive behaviours through reinforcement. To identify and clarify the values that influence your decisions and behaviour and encourage you to build on your inner resources and strengths.

Meaningful Job

I believe that my career to date has equipped me to positively influence the lives of others. It gives me a sense of being needed and useful to society. Seeing the value in my work gives me a lot of energy to act and avoids professional burnout.


I respect those people who have had a strong and positive impact on my life and I have adopted them as role models and are eager to learn from them.

I will respect you and your life experiences to date and will work with you to take back control to live the life you want.

My career in the NHS has involved a large part of my life to helping other people. Sensitivity and empathy ensures I am not indifferent to the problems of others. 


I have observed and understand the suffering of other people and work to provide help and support whenever I am able.


My passion is Rapid Transformational Therapy.  It is where I can see how I can really help someone. When working on a problem consciously, the subconscious is not involved.  However, when working on a problem using the subconscious, (the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one's actions and feelings), the rules of the mind of which there are many can be used to change our beliefs and habits.  This in turn gives you the ability to see the unchangeable change and also Gives yourself permission to be successful. ... 

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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